H5 - HTML5 Pure WYSIWYG Editor - JQuery
guest@alepe.com:~/Projects/Jquery/H5/$ ls
drwxr-xr-x lepe 4.0K 2019-04-30 04:07:27 .
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-rw-r--r-- lepe 86B 2019-04-30 04:07:27 demo.html
-rw-r--r-- lepe 94B 2019-04-30 04:07:27 documentation.html
-rw-r--r-- lepe 89B 2019-04-30 04:07:27 download.html
-rw-r--r-- lepe 88B 2019-04-30 04:07:27 plugins.html
- Small footprint (~ 5kb core)
- Built with simplicity in mind (i.e. keep it simple), as it takes advantage of the browser capabilities there is no need to reinvent the wheel.
- Very fast to load (a lot more faster than most popular editors)
- As it is small by nature and design, this code flies!
- No IFRAME or TEXTAREA are used (Pure HTML5 "contenteditable")
- Most of the editor's goal is to replace normal textarea inputs for RTF editors. In order to achieve that, they need to replace the textarea for a iframe in which other javascript files and stylesheets are loaded, making it slow. This editor's goal is to edit any content on live and does not requires loading extra pages.
- Applies all HTML elements in HTML5 and more
- HTML contains many useful elements. Inexplicably these are not implemented in all popular editors. For example, "cite", to add a citation, "dfn" to add a definition or "abbr" to define an abbreviation. As HTML5 adds even more useful elements, this editor tries to bring the best of HTML5 to you.
- Edition is done exactly as it will be displayed (no differences in presentation)
- As popular editors use IFRAMEs they require a separate stylesheets which in many cases produce differences between what you are editing and what is actually displayed.
- Almost no hacks in code
- Unfortunately IE6, IE7 and IE8 are still around us. Supporting those browsers makes our lives miserable and our codes dirty. For document edition it is better to keep them away (for our own sake) and keep this editor codes as clean and small as possible.
- Supported in Modern Browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE9)
- Do I have to explain again why IE8 or below are not supported?
- Very easy to use and intuitive GUI (also customizable)
- Most of the popular editors claim to be easy to install but at the end it is not that easy (with some few exceptions). With only one line of code you can enable this editor.
- Skinable and Pluggable
- For the not-so-advanced users, customizing it could be an enjoyable journey. And for those with jQuery knowledge will find this piece of code easy to extend and integrate with other systems. More and more plugins and skins are yet to come. You can contribute with new ideas too!
- Useful for other purposes as well
- Even it was designed to be an editor, it can be used in any system which may use a toolbar with JQuery actions (see Example).
- 100% JQuery implementation
- Will be supported and upgraded in each JQuery newest version.
- Open Source - Free Software
- Please feel free to use it. This code is released under GPLv.3.
- Does not (and may never support) old browsers as < IE8
- Again, do I have to explain why?
- Depends almost entirely of edition capabilities of each browser which may behave differently or produce different HTML code.
- WYSIWYG edition in browsers is still not perfect. But someday it may be. Instead of trying to patch every browser bug, let the browsers evolve and fix their mistakes, while we can focus in other things.
- Very new code (widely untested). Do not recommended for public use until it becomes mature.
- HTML5 is new as well this editor. Don't expect the perfection.
- Only HTML (No BB Code support).
- In a live content edition, it makes no sense to use BB Code. Leave that task for the editors which goal is to replace "textarea" inputs.